Finding the Right Lawyer for a DUI Charge
Hiring an Attorney When You are Charged With a DUI
Have you ever gone out with your friends for a special occasion and had a little too much to drink before driving home? Chances are, if you were pulled over, you wound up with a DWI (Driving While Intoxicated) or DUI charge, and that is no cause to celebrate. Driving under the influence (DUI) charges are quite serious and the penalties for being found guilty have quite a range.
For instance, consider the potential outcomes of being found guilty of a DUI in the state of Virginia. DUIs can result in monetary fines of up to $2,500. And that’s just the start. Some judges rule for the mandatory installation of an interlock breathalyzer device in the accused’s vehicle to ensure there’s no repeat offense. But it gets even more severe. Those found guilty of DUI can also face suspension of their license and even jail time. There’s a lot riding on these cases and it is impossible to emphasize the importance of selecting reputable legal representation to help you secure the best possible legal outcome for your particular case.
But how can you be sure you’ve found the right attorney? And more importantly, where do you even begin? Simply finding the right lawyer for a DUI can be a tricky process, but it’s a crucial part of your defense. There are many factors to consider when seeking legal representation for an offense such as a DUI or DWI.
The reputation of the lawyer and the firm he or she represents: it is important to consider that the person representing you is representing YOU—which means if they have a less-than-stellar reputation, that reflects poorly on you as well.
Number of years the lawyer has been practicing law: You need someone who knows their way around a courtroom; who is comfortable, experienced, and has proven themselves successful in their cases.
Practice Areas: It’s not enough to know an attorney has experience, though; they have to be a lawyer well-versed in DUI cases. It won’t do you much good if they’re a patent attorney or a real estate lawyer. Find someone that has a successful and well-known track record in DUI cases in the Commonwealth of Virginia: who knows their way around the court system and how to best represent your case to a judge. When you’ve found THAT attorney, perhaps finding the right lawyer isn’t such a difficult task.
The law office of Petrovich & Walsh offers an open-minded, strong and intelligent approach to your case. Servicing all of the Northern Virginia area, their practice is centrally-located in Fairfax, and their lawyers have been in the business of criminal defense for over 20 years. Whatever the case may be for your DUI, you’re in good hands when you work with Petrovich & Walsh. Finding the right lawyer for a DUI is daunting – but with the great service and experience their lawyers bring to the table, you’ll have no need to look any further than Petrovich & Walsh, PLC.